Why subscribe?

I’m a Technical Trainer that currently trains our employees on how to use apps to be more productive. I am constantly looking for new apps that can help me be more productive and that I could possibly use for our employees to be more productive.

I also love trying out new Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) apps because the PKM space is exploding right now. We are definitely in the new golden age of note-taking apps.

This publication will go into new apps, new features, thoughts about PKMs in general, and anything that is interesting in this space. I’ll also talk about my current setup and maybe other peoples’ setups as well.

I try to keep things light and easy and simple. Hopefully you can find something that will interest you. Thanks for reading!

Subscribe to PKM Diaries

I’m an average guy talking about my current PKM setup as well as taking a look at all the new apps that are popping up.


I'm a Technical Trainer who helps our employees become more productive.